Saturday, 20 September 2008


I have dreamed many times of being invisible. I suppose this can be interpreted as an anxiety situation. For instance, I often go out from my office at lunchtime and get lost trying to find my way back. I ask people for directions or get on and off busses and nobody seems to see me.

I eventually find my way back to the office and sit back down at my desk. After what seems like many hours, feeling guilty and used, it dawns on me that nobody has even noticed the fact that I am missing at all!

I don’t fancy the idea of actually being invisible. I don’t want to be an eavesdropper on private conversations or have people talk about me thinking I am not there. I find it rather scary and not an experience I wish to undertake.

by Von

I am invisible

I am from the land of make believe

I live with fairies

I will have many dwarves

I will go to Memphis

I will travel all over the USA

I will be a millionaire

I will be famous

I will have a building society

Nobody will know my name

I won’t have a name

I will live in a castle

I will have a lot of children

I will be a monarchy

by Catwoman

I am invisible, that’s plain to see

What’s plain to see is you can’t see me

You can hear my breath and feel me there

When I’m touching your face, when I’m stroking your hair

No space do I take, no shadow do I cast

I am an empty vessel lying dormant in your past

I walk the streets the same as you

Some I recognise, most are new

When you laugh, cry, sleep, I am there in your presence

I linger around, consuming your essence

I am all alone, you’re with a new man

I may not be there, but here I still am

I am invisible, I became this way

The day your love died and you walked away

by Peaches & Cream

I cannot be seen, felt or heard. It is quite unnerving being able to see and hear but not be noticed. It feels as if people should be able to walk through me and not just pass by. I am experiencing a mixture of wonder, panic and apprehension. It seems in this state I could do almost anything, go anywhere. It is a sense of complete freedom and at the same time I feel the loss of not being noticed, of not being there.

If I cannot be seen then am I really there, or is it all my imaginings? Can I go to different places? If I can, how do I travel? Do I think of where I want to fo and then just appear there, or do I have to choose a mode of transport? Can I open a door? Can I climb steps? If I fall in water, can I swim?

This invisibility thing opens up so many questions.

I wonder if I will have time to do anything at all. Can I even move on my own? How will I move if I cannot walk? Will I float about? Will I still need to eat and drink, or will something else sustain me? This strikes me as being the ultimate in being alone.

by Old Salfordian

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